Ara Poutama – Evaluation of Victims Notification Application (VINA)

Ara Poutama_projects
Ara Poutama – Evaluation of Victims Notification Application (VINA)
Working closely with Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections), we are conducting an evaluation of the Victims Notification Application (VINA). Our evaluation aims to assess the effectiveness of VINA in providing timely and accurate notifications to victims, ensuring their rights and well-being are prioritized within the criminal justice system
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Accident Compensation Corporation – Developmental Evaluator – Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse

Accident Compensation Corporation – Developmental Evaluator – Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
We are currently involved as developmental evaluators for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Our role is to guide the development of resources, tools, and approaches aimed at preventing child sexual abuse. This project supports ACC’s commitment to safeguarding children and creating a safer environment for all.
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Otago University – Impact of Budget-19 Funding on Sexual Violence Services and the Sector

Otago University – Impact of Budget-19 Funding on Sexual Violence Services and the Sector
In collaboration with Otago University, we are conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Budget-19 funding on sexual violence services and the sector. This project seeks to understand the effectiveness of funding allocations and their implications for service users and the workforce, ultimately enhancing support for survivors of sexual violence.
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Auckland Council – Pacific Aucklanders 2030

Auckland Council – Pacific Aucklanders 2030
We are currently engaged in a research project with Auckland Council, focusing on the Pacific Aucklanders’ aspirations and well-being. This project aims to provide insights and recommendations for future planning and development, ensuring the Pacific community’s continued growth and prosperity.
Auckland Council - Pacific Aucklanders 2030
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